We've been invited back for March 2020!
IRR’s Exec Dir Joel B Groat was in Kenya during the month of August 2019 teaching conferences on Biblical Discernment and Church Leadership to thousands of pastors and leaders of the African Inland Church and other Christian denominations.
We partnered with CFAR (Centers for Apologetic Research) to equip the church in Kenya in three of its largest cities: Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.
IRR and CFAR together provided culturally relevant biblical training and materials that were given to all Kenyan church leaders who attended these conferences. They were extremely grateful for tools they could use to protect their flocks from the false teachings of Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventism and the prosperity gospel.
The impact was so great, national leadership immediately invited us back for March 2020 to train more of their pastors and leaders (there are 6,000 churches and 9 million members in the Kenyan Africa Inland Church. To return we need your help.
We need to raise $6,000 to cover the cost of printing 1500 copies our 85 page teaching manual.
Every $20 provides books for 5 pastors, potentially impacting 500 or more Kenyan believers.
Every $100 provides books for 25 pastors, impacting over 2000 of our Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ.
You can view and download the various PDFs that make up this resource here:
Will you help?
Thank you!
Here’s a video from our Kenyan in-country coordinator of Learn - Discern - Lead 2019
Pastor Julius Nudi
Please use this link to donate and if interested, request your free Truth book.
You can follow the latest developments and highlights (including pictures) of this Africa outreach via our IRR Facebook page here:
IRR is Transforming Lives with Compassionate Truth in Kenya.